Getting rid of the “buts” – My 2014 Leadville 100 goal

When I signed up to run my 10th Leadville 100 I wanted it to be different. I planned to run it in honor of my mom but I also wanted to run this race with gusto. I had read a blog post by a fellow ultrarunner, Walter Olson (There is Gold in them Hills, Managing the “buts”) that inspired me to set the bar higher and quit playing it safe. That’s when I decided I would try for a race PR or a finish around 24 hours.

Training up high on Eccles Pass

Training up high on Eccles Pass

While this was an ambitious and scary goal, I knew with 3 critical changes in my training, it was possible. These are the 3 changes I made:

1) Focusing on higher quality nutrition. This meant whole foods with increased protein, fat and the addition of spirulina algae in the form of Energybits.

2) Working on core strength. In November I started doing a boot camp (similar to cross-fit) at Front Range Boot Camp. During the winter/spring months I’d go 2-4 times a week. During my heavy training cycle I cut back to 1-2 times a week.

I’ve noticed increased strength for climbing/descending, decreased back pain and hip fatigue even on my longest runs, sustained strength during races. I have to thank Jennifer Forker for getting me hooked on Boot Camp and Robyn Morrisette for training me!

3) Working to strengthen my weakness which meant taking more rest days, doing speed work (in the form of short races and tempo runs) and running FLAT miles.

I joined the Colorado Masters Running Club and for $30 (individual membership/$45 family membership)  can do a race a month. Since October I have not missed a race. Because the races are usually between 3-7 miles I do a 10 mile warm-up trail run, run the race and then do 3-10 miles afterwards.

The racing has changed my mindset and helped me focus on keeping a sustained pace at a high heart rate. It has also gotten me more socially involved in running and the running community. Something that has re-energized my love of running.

Fast forward to today, with just one month until race day … No more BUTs

(I’m putting this in writing and it scares me to even type it but here goes!)

 I feel stronger than I ever have (even when I was running in my 20s) and I am ready for the start gun to go off at 4AM on August 16! I plan to be back in Leadville at the finish by 4AM on August 17.

While I always have 3 time goals when I do a race (thanks to coach Glen McCarthy), this time my goals are a little different.

1. To finish the race (any time under 30 hours)

2. To have a PR and push myself during the final 40 miles (under 24 hours)

3. To have fun! (even if I don’t get a PR, I am going to have fun! )

Having fun training with my running buddies Ellen, Lisa and Sharon. Eccles Pass

Having fun training with my running buddies Ellen, Lisa and Sharon. Eccles Pass

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