Notes from the Leadville Trail 100 2014

10626686_10201962417896591_2970124122051731114_nI still can’t believe it’s over. I sometimes touch my buckle to make sure it’s real. I still have that dream-like sense that it’s the night before the race and I’m imagining I’ve run the race. (Maybe that’s still the lack of sleep and light-headedness talking to me…)

But it’s real and I made it!

From start to finish I had a great time. (Which isn’t the same as having a great race, as I’ll explain). I finished, talked to people, ran stronger to the finish than last year and most of all had fun. It wasn’t the race I’d trained or hoped for but how can I complain when I earned my buckle.

I have about 10 pages of things to write about but I’m still running on limited sleep and can’t wrap my brain around the words so I’ll write a longer, detailed report (or 2) this weekend.

Here are a few highlights:


My pacer Jeff Miller who paced me from Twin Lakes to Outward Bound.

My pacers and crew are always the best! I couldn’t do this without pacers who make each stretch memorable. Ellen Kennard, Jeff Miller, Kurt Hardester you each kept me going and I am grateful for your friendship and love.

Leaving Twin Lakes with Val Zajac. She rocked this race!

Leaving Twin Lakes with Val Zajac. She rocked this race!

I stayed in a house with 5 other runners (4 first-timers) and all 6 of us finished. Our finishes ranged from 20:30 to 29:30 but we all made it.

Jean Demoss being paced to the finish by her husband Kevin Krajewski

Jean Demoss being paced to the finish by her husband Kevin Krajewski

I ran most of the stretch from the base of power line to Half Moon both ways, around Turquoise Lake and the final 5 miles. This may not seem like a big deal but this was a section I specifically trained differently for this year.


Running to the Boulevard.

Chatting to so many different people along the course. Once the race is over I am terrible about names and faces but for me, this is what makes the race. We are all suffering together, why not make some friends along the way.

Seeing Ann Trason at Twin Lakes. She offered to pace me but I had to decline. I told her I was honored but I already had a pace. It would have been incredible to run with her but I wouldn’t have traded running with Jeff Miller for the opportunity.

The party at the top of powerline that seemed like a rave. I think the aid station was called “You are F’ing Awesome” but I may have the wording wrong.

Some of the kind words shared with me by other ultra runners. I won’t share their words but they are cemented in my head to remind me of this accomplishment. Thank you John Lacroix, Marge Hickman, Merilee Maupin, Eric Strand. You have done this race and know what it takes to finish and your words mean a lot to me.

14-time finisher and legend Marge Hickman at the awards ceremony. This is a moment I will never forget.

14-time finisher and legend Marge Hickman at the awards ceremony. This is a moment I will never forget.


The man who made it all happen, my fiance' Kurt Hardester. Crew, photographer and pacer extraordinaire.

The man who made it all happen, my fiance’ Kurt Hardester. Crew, photographer and pacer extraordinaire.


More later….

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